Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sneaking out

Well since on Saturdays my dad never let's me do anything during the day, I take matters into my own hands when the sun goes down:) last night my life started at 1:00 am. Ben picked me up  with Kyle in the car then I called Molly . We picked her up and went back to Kyle's house.( of course no parents) we all took a turn at being bartenders and after a while we're pretty damn drunk. We smoked a stogie outside the came back inside. One thing lead to another an Ben and I had sex for the third time and Molly and Kyle did who knows what.ben dropped me off at home at 3:30 to my demise I was still pretty tipsy and ready to party but I guess it ended well because I somehow managed to hop my fence, climb through the cat door and stumble to bed without puking on the floor or knocking a lamp over. So it was a good night slept in till 11 with a headache but what are you gonna do? Can't wait until next Saturday :)

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