Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Today was an overall good day:) no real drama, fights, work or anything:) but I am getting really fucking impatiens for my shit to come from amazon! So that needs to hurry up. Other than that goodnight :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The one time I was right

Ever since I was little I aways told my dad that even if I had straight A's at school he wouldn't treat me any differently that if I was failing. Today I proved it. I currently have A's in all my classes, haven't gotten in any trouble for the past couple if months, and i passed my drivers test with 90%. As far as I'm concerned I'm a fucking angel, but my theory was proven true that I'm still yelled at, nagged, and restricted. The one time I was right! This Saturday I'm getting my tattoo with Molly there to hold my hand and Kylie's birthday all in the same day! Say I'm going early get my tattoo go to Kylie's and I'm home free :) wish me luck

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ummm what?

Well today like any other day starred off with Jason picking me up for school. School again lame and boring I went to Molly's house. We then went to McDonalds (I fucking drove) and got food, set up a tattoo appointment. I then went home to only hang out with Ben and Kyle we went to Kyle's house again and played with his little siblings then Ben and I got dropped at Ben's house and we proceeded to drive around Pleasanton awkwardly and bored until he said "Kyle is done with guitar in ten minutes... Can I drop you off at home?" Not wanting to sound like a bitch I said yea sure  and here I am bored as fuck and wishing that Ben was more open about shit but who cares were "friends with benefits" ... FML

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Drama

Sneaking out

Well since on Saturdays my dad never let's me do anything during the day, I take matters into my own hands when the sun goes down:) last night my life started at 1:00 am. Ben picked me up  with Kyle in the car then I called Molly . We picked her up and went back to Kyle's house.( of course no parents) we all took a turn at being bartenders and after a while we're pretty damn drunk. We smoked a stogie outside the came back inside. One thing lead to another an Ben and I had sex for the third time and Molly and Kyle did who knows what.ben dropped me off at home at 3:30 to my demise I was still pretty tipsy and ready to party but I guess it ended well because I somehow managed to hop my fence, climb through the cat door and stumble to bed without puking on the floor or knocking a lamp over. So it was a good night slept in till 11 with a headache but what are you gonna do? Can't wait until next Saturday :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I'm Emmy a regular high school girl just trying to graduate. Aren't we all? I don't know maybe its my hormonal brain talking but I think everyone needs a place to vent and just talk to the world. And since this is the Internet this is basically the world so here I am,venting and expressing my self. have a complaint? A problem with what I'm doing? Good I'm glad:)